Manhattan Book Group: A Revolution in Modern Publishing

A Glimpse Into the Founder

Manhattan Book Group (MBG) was birthed out of the successes of its founder, J.J. Hebert. As a multiple-time bestseller gracing the lists of USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon, Hebert’s expertise in the literary world is unparalleled. Capitalizing on his own accomplishments, Hebert envisioned the Manhattan Book Group’s Author Program, which goes beyond the ordinary by guaranteeing every author more than just a published book.

The MBG Promise

Authors are not just promised a well-designed and edited book, but also:

  • Bestseller status on Amazon
  • Media features on NBC, CBS, and Fox websites
  • Comprehensive coverage of all publishing aspects

The MBG Process: Rigorous and Result-Oriented

How does Manhattan Book Group manage to deliver such astounding results? It begins with their selective approach. Only the most promising book projects pass through their stringent vetting process. Once greenlit, Hebert alongside his competent team transform these manuscripts into bestsellers, employing marketing techniques that have been tested and perfected over time.

The Hemingway Stamp of Approval

If the achievements of its founder and the firm’s unique approach aren’t convincing enough, Mariel Hemingway’s endorsement might sway you. With her video testimony highlighted on MBG’s website, Hemingway states: “There’s a reason Manhattan Book Group is rated the #1 independent book publisher in New York City — they’re the best of the best.”

MBG: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

Manhattan Book Group presents itself as a premier hybrid publisher, seamlessly blending facets of traditional and self-publishing:

  • Traditional Publishing: A focus on high editorial standards, professional designs, accessibility in brick and mortar stores, and the prestige of aligning with a New York City publishing house.
  • Self-Publishing: Authors remain at the helm of their creative rights, are not bound by literary agents, and receive all the royalties from sales.
  • The MBG Twist: Going above the norm, MBG guarantees bestseller status on Amazon and significant media features for authors chosen under their specialized author program.

Conclusion: The Manhattan Book Group Difference

By amalgamating the best of both worlds and adding a touch of their distinct flair, Manhattan Book Group has redefined publishing in the modern era. For authors looking to make an impact and achieve guaranteed success, MBG stands as a beacon of hope and excellence in the vast world of publishing.

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